Classes and Clinics


Levels I & II

Usui Reiki Level I is entry-level Reiki training. The student will learn about the history of Reiki and how Dr. Mikao Usui was instrumental in its rediscovery. The student will then be taught how to perform self-Reiki and will be attuned to the Reiki energy for life.

In Usui Reiki Level II, the student will learn about and how to use the first three Reiki symbols, as well as how to perform distant Reiki. The student will receive further Reiki energy attunements and will be considered a certified Reiki practitioner after this class with the ability to perform Reiki on others.

Usui Reiki

Levels III & IV
Usui Reiki Levels III & IV or Reiki Master Level is the Master Teacher level of Reiki. This class is for the Reiki practitioner who desires further personal growth and commitment to Reiki. Upon completion and sharing of self-guided requirements, the practitioner receives the Usui Master Reiki attunement and will learn the Usui Master Reiki symbols. After receiving the Usui Master Reiki attunement and symbols, the practitioner is then instructed on how to give Usui Reiki attunements to others and how to conduct an Usui Reiki Levels I & II class, thus becoming a certified Reiki Master Teacher.


Usui Reiki Clinic is held the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Life Enrichment Center.

The first Wednesday is for Usui Reiki practitioners and masters only for further instruction with Reiki sessions being given to each other.

The third Wednesday clinic is free of charge and is open to the public for anyone desiring to have a Reiki session performed by several practitioners and masters on hand.


(A Skill's for Life Class)
The ​Enriching Life's Journey class is a seven week course where you learn five principles for individual growth. These classes are for those who desire to: understand themselves and others more effectively; who want better communication to enrich their relationships; identify and stop repetitive problematic behaviors; recognize and correct patterns of self-sabotage; replace sadness, grief, dissatisfaction and anxiousness wit peace, love and joy ... yes, JOY!

In the class you will learn:

  • the developmental stages of our physical life' s journey
  • differences between the spirit vs. the ego
  • how your thoughts and words impact the conditions in your life
  • how your perceptions create your reality and influence every aspect of your life
  • how to stop negative self-talk and replace it with positive self-programming
  • effective stress management techniques that can establish positive habits to become a more Stress-Resilient individual
  • how to create an abundance of what you want instead of what you do not want in your life